Nerve Installation
1) If you installed the demo, you will want to delete NerveDemoData folder which is:
command-shift-G in Finder (go to folder) and type or paste:
/Library/Audio/Presets/Xfer Records/
2) Download this 1.0 DMG so you have the content (NerveData Folder): *Do not manually install (bother with) the 1.0 plug-ins on the DMG, just the NerveData folder*
3) Download the latest version from "Your Account" and install this second.
*The latest update found atop the Nerve forum is required for the latest macOS.
4) Your Serial Number is under "Your Account".
Nerve Windows
1) If you installed the demo you will want to delete NerveDemoData which is located here:
2) Download 1.0, this is 2 exe files for Windows (Install_Nerve_VSTi.exe, Install_Nerve_WAV_Files.exe)
3) Download the latest version from "Your Account" and install this second.
4) Your Serial Number is under "Your Account".