Installing Serum
- Download the installer from your account page on Xfer's site or from the Splice client if you use Rent to Own.
- Run the full version installer.
- Restart your DAW.
- If you are unfamiliar with VST Plugins, you need to create/have a VSTPlugins folder.
- I personally use C:\VSTPlugins but you can make the folder elsewhere.
- Install Serum VST to this location when running the installer.
- In your DAW, you need to set it to look for VST Plugins at this location.
in FL Studio: -> Options ->Manage Plugins, and add a Search Path in top-left to your VST folder location (e.g. C:\VSTPlugins) containing Serum.dll / Serum_x64.dll
(Windows) Ableton Live 10: -> Preferences -> Plugins, enable "VST2 Custom Folder" and set the VST2 Custom Folder location to the folder containing Serum_x64.dll
(MacOS) Ableton Live 10 : -> Preferences -> Plugins, enable "Use VST2 System Folders"
(MacOS) Ableton Live older version (8 or 9): Make sure it shows 64-bit on startup on the splash window. If it shows 32-bit, download Live 64-bit from your account which should be a free download. In Live Preferences->File/Folder, enable "Use VST System Folders".